In Islam, There are many different phrases used by millions of Muslims around the world, each carrying its own importance and meaning such as ALHAMDULILLAH, MASHAALLAH, ALLAH HUMA BARIK, INSHAALLAH and etc. and among these, there is a most important phrase “ASTAGHFIRULLAH.” Astaghfar plays a vital part in Islamic faith and is seen as a way to purify the soul while also seeking forgiveness and mercy from Allah.
The phrase is commonly used invocation among Muslims. Astaghfirullah means “I ask Allah for forgiveness” in Arabic, it is a statement used in Islam to express regret and seek Allah’s forgiveness. It is a common repentance expression used by Muslims in their prayers and petitions. Astaghfar is a method of requesting forgiveness from the creator of the world for crimes committed intentionally and inadvertently. Astaghfar is highly valued in Islam. It shields us from Allah’s (SWT) wrath and prevents us from committing sins in the future. The holy prophet (PBUH) said: “The one who continuously asks Allah for forgiveness will be forgiven, even if his sins were as much as the foam of sea.”
Astaghfirullah, the expression is fundamental to Muslim’s spiritual lives. It is a sign of modesty and regret. It is regarded as an important stage in renewing one’s faith, growing closer to god, and purifying oneself of sin. The Quran makes frequent allusions to requesting forgiveness from Allah, highlighting its significance in a believer’s life.
The last messenger of Allah (PBUH) taught that asking forgiveness is a means of achieving inner peace and reconciling with Allah. He said: “by Allah, I seek forgiveness from Allah and repent to him more than 70 times each day.” This constant practice showed the prophet’s faith.
And thus, astaghfar or seeking Allah’s forgiveness collectively, is a key for all goodness in this life, and more importantly, it serves as our pathway back to paradise. When our father Adam (alayhi salam) and Hawa (Eve) were sent out of paradise, they turned back to Allah in repentance. Allah (azawajal) inspired them with the words: “ Rabbana zalmna anfusana wa in lam takhfir lana wa tarhamna lana koonana minal khasireen,” which means, “oh our lord, we have wronged ourselves. If you do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will surely be among the losers.” Here, Allah provided them with the words of forgiveness, giving us the best means to seek forgiveness. And that itself is a sign that Allah wants to forgive us. All you have to do is say astaghfirullah and ask for forgiveness and Allah indeed is a merciful and always willing to accept your apology.
According to Hadith
In an authentic Hadith, it is narrated that when someone embraced Islam, the first thing the Prophet Muhammad (swt) would teach them was Salah. Following that, he would instruct them to recite the following Dua: “Allahumma khfirli warhamni wahdini wa’afini warzuqni.” which means “oh Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me grant me good health, and provide for me.” It is comprehensive yet simple supplication. The prophet (SWT) emphasised that this dua should be a key part of one’s early journey in Islam. Furthermore, the pursuit of Allah’s forgiveness is never ending; there will always be a reason to seek his forgiveness. This isn’t merely about continually sinning, rather it reflects understanding that one can never fully repay or match what Allah has done for them. This reflects the astaghfar of the prophet himself-acknowledgement of our shortcomings and deficiencies. Considering everything we have, we know how perfect Allah is and how praised him for all his blessings. However, no matter what we do we can never quite repay him, which leads to a lingering sense of regret. After completing your salah, you may feel that you didn’t do anything wrong indeed, you engaged in the best possible act for worship. Yet, you instanctively say “astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah” immediately afterwards. Why? Because you may feel that part of your salah was diminished or that distractions crept in. Even if you weren’t distracted, you still recognized that you haven’t adequately expressed your gratitude for allah’s favors. Thus, everyone remains in a state of astaghfar.
What Islam Says About
In Islam, we Muslims believe that astaghfirullah is the most simple yet strong dua. Muslims strongly believe that astaghfiruallah is the doorway to wellbeing and relief, and if you begin reciting it whenever you are trouble or feeling sad or frustrated, it will relief your tension, bring you serenity, bring you happiness and helps answered you dua as prophet (SWT) said in one hadith: “the one who seeks forgiveness for muslim males and females from Allah twenty six or twenty five times every day, Allah Ta’aaal will count that person among those whose dua is accepted, and through the barakah of whom those earth gain rizq.”
“astaghfirullah,” commonly used in Muslim community, is more than just a simple phrase. It represents faith, humility and the quest for divine mercy in islam. By asking for Allah’s forgiveness, Muslims reaffirm their dedication to righteousness, piety, and spiritual purification. This expression, frequently uttered by our prophet (PBHU), is a fundamental aspect of Islamic spirituality, serving as a reminder of believers’ reliance on god’s grace
About Author
Haleema Limited, have the best umrah agents in UK who always help those who wish for the umrah. We recently introduced hajj booking from UK for the UK muslims ease, so everyone can participate in it for a peaceful holy journey in 2025.